Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Members will be held at the Clubhouse, Beach Road, Batemans Bay

on Monday 14 November 2022 at 7.00pm.


  1. Apologies
  1. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 13 December 2021
  1. Business arising from the Minutes of the AGM held on 13 December 2021
  1. President’s Report
  1. General Manager’s Report
  1. Consideration of Accounts, Balance Sheet, Director’s Statutory Report and Statement and Auditor’s Report
  1. Captain’s Report
  1. Veteran Golfers President’s Report
  1. Lady Golfers President’s Report
  1. Junior Golf Report
  1. To Consider Ordinary Resolutions (as listed)
  1. To Consider the Special Resolutions (as listed)
  1. Declaration of Board Elections

President (1 position)

Ordinary Director (1 position)

  1. Any Other Business (to which due notice has been received)


Guy Chapman

General Manager2


CATALINA COUNTRY CLUB LTD 2022 Notice of Annual General Meeting 14 November 2022


Members are requested to advise the General Manager, in writing, seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting of any query

relating to the financial accounts or reports on which further information may be required. Such information will be extracted

from the records and be available at the Annual General Meeting.

The Corporation’s Act was recently amended to allow the Club to send notice of this year’s AGM to members (who have provided

their email addresses to the Club) by email as an attachment or provide the link where it can be accessed to those members, or it

can also send the link to the member’s mobile phone as an SMS. In addition to this the Club can issue the notice of the AGM by post

to those members who have not provided their email addresses to the Club. The club will be issuing notice of this year’s AGM as
